Our story
With its own headquarters opened in 2015, WF ESTRUTURAS is located in Botucatu / SP and has a large and modern industrial facility and the conditions necessary to offer a high standard of quality, safety and reliability of its services.
Currently with 40 employees from various specialties, WF represents an important economic movement in the region. All the professionals involved, responsible from the process to the delivery of more than 12 million types of aeronautical parts for the various aircraft models, are residents of the region, thus representing an important generation of jobs directly and indirectly.
Provide solutions in manufacturing and assembly of metallic parts, meeting the needs of the Clients, generating maximization of values for Shareholders, Employees and Community.
To be a reference for solutions in the manufacture and assembly of metal parts in the national market.
We believe in God, Ethics, Honesty, Respect, Valuing people, Environmental Responsibility
Inauguration of the industrial unit in the Industrial District III
Reformulation Strategic Planning
Hiring of FDC's PAEX Program to develop the company's PE.
Process Systematization and Optimization
Investment in the industrial park in technology and information security.
Innovation and Quality
Implementation of Think Program Different. More of 100 applied ideas in the year.
Planning aimed at expanding new markets.
Reformulation Strategic Planning
Hiring of FDC's PAEX Program to develop the company's PE.
Innovation and Quality
Implementation of Think Program Different. More of 100 applied ideas in the year.
Inauguration of the industrial unit in the Industrial District III
Process Systematization and Optimization
Investment in the industrial park in technology and information security.
Planning aimed at expanding new markets.
Our team
It is when companies voluntarily adopt attitudes, behaviors and actions that promote the well-being of their internal and external audiences.
Organizational development
Na WF, nosso maior capital são pessoas. Nossa gestão é baseada em processos compartilhados, na seleção de talentos e na capacitação constante dos colaboradores.
Em nossa infraestrutura, abrigamos a Business School, espaço dedicado a treinamentos e cursos do time WF. Muito além do aperfeiçoamento profissional, nós procuramos oferecer, também, oportunidades para a evolução pessoal.
Nossa engrenagem é movida por pessoas. É por meio desses processos e estratégias que buscamos encontrar e integrar o equilíbrio entre as necessidades e os objetivos da empresa e da equipe.
Dentro do desenvolvimento organizacional, trabalhamos em cima dos seguintes pilares:
– Melhorias constantes dos sistemas de informação e comunicação;
– Promoção do sentimento de pertencimento das pessoas dentro da organização;
– Melhorias do ambiente de trabalho e estabelecimento de um ambiente de confiança;
– Promoção à iniciativa e à inovação de cada funcionário;
– Desenvolvimento e estímulo de talentos dentro da organização.